Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake

Why is it that I feel like a teenager when Justin Timberlake is on The Tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon? I mean, I am a 42 years old mom of teenage girls! Oh, yeah, this is why…..


“Lick your boom boom down….” I love them so freaking much!

Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake

Last night Jimmy Fallon had his BFF and most popular guest by far, well by YouTube views anyway, Justin Timberlake on for the entire show. I hope this bromance lasts a lifetime. Talking about being a dad, Justin shares photos of his seriously adorable son Silas.

And they continue with a story…about a hot tub, a guest house, and coffee mugs…only as they can.

Oh, and what’s a Fallon/Timberlake new History of Rap and baby talk without some tequila? Watch them make a “Fallon”.

And as if the History of Hip Hop 6 wasn’t fun(ny) enough, holy tears of laughter here, Ellen and Jimmy have a lip sync off!

What a great show! And it’s pretty evident that the “Fallon” is a cocktail to try!

Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake

Trippin with Tara
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