Meet Freelance Makeup Artist Corine Potter

Sometimes I have the opportunity to meet and work with some pretty great people with what I do, and when I do, I sometimes like to share them with my readers. That’s the case with the very professional and equally down to earth, Corine Potter.

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Meet Freelance Makeup Artist Corine Potter

Corine is a freelance makeup artist by way of Yakima, Washington. Growing up, Corine always knew that she was going to be something great. Having always been artistic whether it be in art (painting, drawing, etc) or music, she always was doing something. Coming from a town with not much to offer career wise, Corine packed her bags and moved to Florida at the age of 18 with nothing much to her name and started from scratch.


Originally wanting to be an attorney (people always told her she should be) she applied for college. Upon getting accepted, she realized that there was no way she could afford schooling on her own and financial aid just did not cover it. One day she drove past an Aveda sign and decided to enroll for beauty school. The course covered skin care, nails and massage therapy. After completing the course, Corine worked in salons doing skin care, nails and makeup. Although she did not realize at first how much makeup was going to change her life, she was very good at it. Years later after getting tired of working extremely hard for others, long days and at times no breaks, she decided to take on makeup artistry and began a career applying makeup for weddings.

After about a year of weddings, Corine was introduced to doing photo shoots and that is where her career took a big turn. As of today, Corine has represented Neutrogena cosmetics and has worked on countless models, actresses/actor’s and musicians. She has done advertisements/commercials and has even dipped her toes into the pageantry world. Corine’s goals for the future of her career are to continue growing her brand, completing her line of cosmetics (Corine Cosmetics launching January 2016) and becoming a well known celebrity makeup artist.

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Contact Corine Potter
@Corine_mua on Instagram
@muacorine on Twitter
GlamorousFacesCorine on Facebook

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