I am so bad a carving pumpkins. I have never made a jack-o-lantern that I am proud of sharing. When I heard we were going to be having a Dory pumpkin carving session during the Finding Dory Bluray/DVD release junket, I got a little nervous. I mean, I knew it would be fun, but the pressure would be on.
Dory Pumpkin Carving
Lucky for us, Master Pumpkin Carver Joseph Yakovetic was there to guide us step by step. He gave some helpful tips on how to keep that pumpkin from rotting. And most of all, he helped me make something that I could be proud enough to share.
Here’s a helpful step by step to make your own Dory Pumpkin Carving Design.
First, start with downloading the template (page 5-6).
1. Cut graphite paper to the size of the stencil.
2. Position and pin stencil with graphite paper under it to the pumpkin.
3. Trace over the lines of the stencil with a ball point pen or pencil.
4. Remove pins, stencil and graphite paper from pumpkin.
5. Copy over graphite lines with a black permanent marker where black is indicated.
6. Mix paint with water to create a translucent color and brush in the desired colors in appropriate areas.
7. When dry, use the linocut tool to etch out the white areas of the stencil (I.e. Whites of the eyes, the highlight in the pupil and around the outer edge of the character’s outline).
8. Cut a square in the back of the pumpkin large enough to fit a CD and your light source.
9. Use a CD to gut the pumpkin, using the edge of the CD to skin away the debris from inside the pumpkin.
10. Clean up any design areas that are revealed with the light, touch up black lines or colors.
11. Pumpkin is ready for display, be sure to place on a trivet or stand so the underside of the pumpkin can breath.
12. Place an LED candlelight inside your pumpkin, turn out the lights and enjoy!
• NEVER use a candle inside the pumpkin or ever cut around the stem of the pumpkin.
• Store the gutted and cleaned pumpkin in the refrigerator when not on display. it will last for a week or more. Do not cover in plastic as it may cause mold. If mold starts to form use the CD, to remove interior mold and spray with 50/50 water and bleach.
For all things Dory for Halloween, click on the image below. Lots of fun activities for the family.
Disney•Pixar’s Finding Dory, swims home on Digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere (DMA) on Oct. 25 and on Blu-ray 3D™, Blu-ray, DVD and On-Demand on Nov. 15. You can preorder yours today!
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*I was invited by Disney on a press trip to share my experiences. All opinions are my own.
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