That moment when you know you are doing exactly what your supposed to be doing.
Just under two years ago I began my blog, not really having any direction. Just knowing that I really liked the people I had met who were bloggers and wanted to be in their world, even if it was minimal. Here I am just short of two years later and I am stepping out to make this my full time job. I have been thinking about this for a while now, but because I have worked for such a great company that has been very good to me and allowing me to grow their social media and run their blogger program, stepping out on my own has been a little scary.
In making this decision I have taken into account what all it would entail and trying to figure out how it could work. Suddenly, without reaching out, my email box started receiving emails of people reaching out asking for consultant type of services, the very ones that I have become an expert in social media over the last four years.
That Moment
The time finally came to talk to the owners of the company I have been working with for the past 5 years. I needed to tell them I was ready to try to do this on my own. They were so gracious as they shared my excitement about this new venture I have chosen for myself.
So what does this mean? This means that I am doing exactly what I want to do now, for me. Trippin’ with Tara is a now an LLC, and I now am a business owner. I have never been more excited about what is in store for my future. I am in complete control of my future, and for me it’s a very exciting time! I owe so much of this to you, my followers, that have supported me by reading my blog, commenting on my posts, re-tweeting my tweets and being the best online friends a girl could dream about. So thank you!
“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”
Squeee….here I go!
- You Have to Remember – 9/11, 20 Years Later - September 11, 2021
- Creating the Perfect Look with a Maxi Dress - October 20, 2020
- Brand Better Giveaway - October 6, 2020
So excited and happy for you on your new adventure! Congrats! 🙂
Squee! You go girl and GOOD LUCK let me know if I can do anything to help your success!
I promise you will hear from me! xo
This is so incredibly exciting!! I am so happy for you, living your dream is something that only the very fortunate are able to do! You are going to rock this! Congratulations!
I am so excited to have you around for some of those upcoming adventures Jen! 🙂
You’ve been ready for this step and I’m SOOOO Proud of your for taking it!!! Nothing but success to you my dear friend!
Thanks Kas, your love and encouragement has helped get me to this point. <3
I am so excited for you. I feel like I have been there since the beginning. I remember in April 2012 sitting at the table of one of the beautiful Global Resort Homes and you showing me the blog that you were setting up. I knew you were going to LOVE being a blogger.
You were right! It’s amazing to think it was only two short years ago. That trip had me so intrigued that I just HAD to go for it! I am glad you’ve been one of those that have been so supportive of me. It means so much to me.
Congratulations, Tara! I’m so excited for you.
Thank Crystal! I mean, you know how much I wanted this! And you are such a huge supporter! <3 you for that!
Congratulations! What exciting news!
Congratulations!!!!! So excited for you
Congrats Tara! That is sooo exciting. Great things are ahead for you.
Fabulous! Congrats Tara! What a great feeling knowing you are doing what you are meant to!
WOW!!! That is incredible! Best of luck on your new adventure!
Congratulations, Tara! Let’s plan a trip and celebrate!!
Congratulations!! Such awesome news. Very excited for you and looking forward to seeing/sharing your journey with this new endeavor.
That is so awesome! I love reading all your posts and seeing all the cool places you go. Need an assistant? (not a virtual one! LOL) I’m really good at going on vacation. 🙂 Congratulations and best wishes to you.
Very exciting! Wishing you all of the best 🙂
You’re awesome. #thatisall xo
Well, funny, I think the same of you! xo
How exciting and scary! I wish you the best of luck!
Awe. Some. I have no doubt that you’ll rock it. Can’t wait to see more of you in the blogosphere. 🙂
Thank you my dear! I look forward to doing something that will involve seeing you again this year! 🙂
You will be amazing at this, you are an expert anyway, but also super nice and I for one am blessed to have met you more than once and call you a friend!! Best of luck Tara but you won’t need it you are A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
So excited to continue watching you on your journey! You are a joy to know!
I feel the same about you! You really are such a joy!
Oh how wonderful Tara! I am elated for you!!! Whoo hoo! Can’t wait for more trippin w/ you 😉
Thank you so much Dawn!
Woohoo! I am so happy for you! 😀
I am so happy for you, Tara. You have come so far in a very short period of time. I know you will be extremely successful in all that you do. I am excited to see what’s next!
Angela, you are so awesome that whenever I have a question, you are so quick to help. I hope to be like you someday! You are so great at what you do! Thanks for your support!
WOW congratulations! That is so exciting! What a fantastic step to take! I hope to one day be in a position to take the same step! What a momentous day!
Congratulations Tara!!!
That is awesome!!
Thanks Elsie! For sure we will have a glass or two of wine next time you are here to celebrate!
That is so exciting! I wish you the best of luck in these endeavors! 🙂
How awesome and sooo excited for you and your new journey… best of luck 🙂
What? This is incredible and I am positively THRILLED for you, Tara!!!! You totally deserve this!
Thanks Liz! 🙂 xo
Congratulations on making the leap… I am sure you will do amazingly well!
I love to hear this so much!!! So happy for you. I love seeing all of your pictures and adventures. Glad you can do it full time now!
Thank you Jennifer! 🙂 I am super excited and I love all the support!
Best of luck to you as you being your new journey!
So happy for you! Congrats
Congrats! It’s a big step but opens so many doors! I’m so excited for you!
Congrats on making the leap of faith – isn’t it so liberating once you’ve made up your mind that you’re just going to go for something?
Congrats! Sounds exciting!
Oh I LOVE reading posts like this! I am so proud of you and Congratulations! I can’t wait to be able to say this for myself and will definitely be following your journey! Doing what you want can be incredibly scary at first, but so incredibly rewarding! Way to go!
This is exciting. I am excited for you, you are awesomesauce and I know that Trippin’ With Tara will do amazing as it already is. 🙂 Let go of all fears and move forward!
Congrats! Good for you!
Congrats, Tara! What an amazing step. I wish you years of continued success!
Congrats and best of luck to you 🙂 it is a wonderful feeling when you doing something that you are not only good at, but that you love to do. Go be awesome!
That is fantastic. I need to take that step.
Tara, Congratulations!! You are amazing at what you do…I’m thrilled to
watch you succeed. Love you
Thank you Helen! That is very sweet of you to follow along. I love you too!
Love that you are fearless!! Spread those wings!! You are going to fly so high you will SOAR!! Exciting times for you!!!!!!!!
Thank you Marilyn! I am ready and I appreciate your support very much! xo
Oh My Goodness! How exciting!!!!! Congrats!
Thank you Megan!
This is a very exciting time! Congrats!!!
CONGRATS! Wonderful news!
Woo hoo! So excited for you, Tara!
That is so exciting!! Congrats! Definitely a big step to take.
Congratulations, Tara!! 🙂 Very exciting!
Congratulations!! This is so exciting. You’ll do great and I can’t wait to see where it will take you!
I am inspired by you and your energy! The world is your oyster!
You will do great things and I am looking forward to the ride!
Tara, I want you to invite you to be in the first round of users on new social network, http://www.createsetgo.com It is invitation only for the launch in a couple weeks. If you’d be interested in trying it and reviewing it, I’d love to have you onboard! (fyi, it is a free website)….. Thanks!